Category Archives: Vichy

Stop Lying To Me!! 95% of Women Agree*

Sorry Gals I’m on a rant!!  If you love being sold a vague pseudo scientific promise then look away, or if you love Vichy I’m sorry this blog will just annoy you, and I don’t want to do that my pretties!!  But I get so frustrated by vague advertising claims made by cosmetic companies that try to convince us, with veiled statements and pseudo science, that their product is the next best thing to the fountain of youth, a time machine, a fairy godmothers wand or anything else that can turn back time or grant wishes.

As someone who loves makeup and who has spent a very large portion of my professional career in Marketing, with a B.Sc. mgmt from Trinity College Dublin, I tend to over analyse adverts, particularly ones that are trying to sell me a product that hints at the fact that it might make me look younger!  Lets face it there’s a lot of non committal statements made in some cosmetic adverts and I think we owe it to ourselves to read the fine print and purchase a product when in command of all the facts.

I know we all so desperately want to look young, turn back the clock to a time when all it took to look radiant was a quick brush of blush and a slick of lip gloss, that now we are so eager to 100% believe the adverts we are bombarded with.   You know the adverts that say over 80% of women agreed that XYZ product made their skin feel and look better.  Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on May 29, 2011 in Advertising, Brands, Vichy


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